We like to think that we’re a pretty great money-saving alternative to your current phone company. Just look at all the features we’ve got.
We have great per minute rates for destinations worldwide
From where we’re standing, home phone is hip again. Now, hear us out here. No drops in service bars, crystal clear clarity, and you’ll make mom happy when she wants to get a hold of you and you’re ignoring her text messages. Call anywhere, anytime, anyduration (so we made that last one up). We’ve got unlimited long distance throughout North America, so you can call to Heart’s Content, in Newfoundland, really. Look it up, we dare you.
The 911 service provided by Acanac differs in a number of important ways from traditional 911 or Enhanced 911 (E911) dialling available with most traditional telephone services and has specific limitations relative to E911. Please read our terms and conditions for more details. *All plans are due up front. Unlimited calling is available to selected areas only. Some charges may apply to different parts of Canada and the United states. Please find our full list of International Rates. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call us at 1-866-281-3538. Shipping charges of $10 may apply.