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Pay a compliment, file a complaint or Provide feedback

Acanac is committed to providing the best quality of customer service. We are proud of our customer service and encourage you to provide feedback on how we could improve our service or pay us a compliment about the service you have received. All too often, great customer service goes unnoticed.

Filing a complaint

  • Acanac employees take great pride in offering superior customer service and we would like to understand if you have not had a positive experience. Feedback allows us to continually improve our processes and policies for future improvement.
  • If you feel your concerns have not been addressed adequately, you can request to speak with a senior agent of the department concerned (Sales & Customer Care, Administration or Technical Service). To reach us by phone, please dial +1 (866)-281-3538, you can also refer to the numbers in the contact section above.
  • If you are still dissatisfied after speaking with a senior agent, you can send us your complaint by completing the Feedback form above.

Should you remain unsatisfied after reaching out to us, you may Contact the CCTS.

Commission for Complaints for Telecom-television Services (CCTS)

CCTS is an independent agency whose mandate is to resolve complaints of consumers about their telecom and TV services, and complaints of small business customers about their telecom services, free of charge. If you have a complaint about your telephone, wireless, internet or TV service, you must first try to resolve it directly with your service provider. If you have done so and have been unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, CCTS may be able to help you.

To learn more about CCTS, you may visit its website at or call toll-free at 1-888-221-1687.