7 Times the Kids in the Hall Won Comedy
Originally airing for six years in the early nineties, the Kids in the Hall were a more surreal and certainly more Canadian take on sketch comedy than giants like Saturday Night Live. You can stream the original episodes right now on CBC Gem, and it can’t hurt to binge, given that the show is returning with new episodes on Amazon Prime sometime this year. Here are some of our favourite moments.
Groovy Teacher
Theodore Barons is the new teacher in school, but he’s so cool that he wants everyone to call him Theo. And he takes off his tie, because he’s so cool. And he says rap instead of talk, swears in class, brags about keeping it real . . . in fact, he does everything that every try-hard teacher you ever had does. Is there anything worse than the too-hip-for-school teacher?
On the Run
Two inept cops spot three convicts across from them at the diner. They need to chase down these convicts and bring them in, so both sides have to rush their meal and pay their cheque before the other. The high-stakes chase music starts when the two tables are wolfing down burgers and doesn’t let up while they politely argue over the cheque. It’s the kind of absurdity Kids in the Hall were great at: make the rules silly and then stick to them.
30 Helens Agree
Does love hurt? Do you need a good pair of shoes? What Hawaii better before? Whether it’s a random platitude or just something you know your mom says now and again, you can likely find 30 ladies named Helen standing in a field and agreeing about it.
Into the Doors
If Comic Book Guy is every comic book store owner, this record store guy played by Bruce McCulloch is every pretentious, in-your-face record store owner.
Citizen Kane
Dave Foley can’t remember the name of this classic movie that involves a dead newspaper tycoon, but it’s not Citizen Kane. And Orson Welles is in it, but it’s not Citizen Kane. And he has a sled named Rosebud, but it’s not Citizen Kane. It’s pretty fun watching Foley drive Kevin McDonald beyond the brink of frustration while he’s trying to think of his not Citizen Kane movie.
Buddy Cole
Buddy Cole was Scott Thompson’s take on an effeminate socialite with a massive ego, troubled relationship with reality, and habit of implying friendships with major celebrities like Kurt Cobain and the Queen of England. And who else could make the word Canadian sound sexy?
Head Crusher
Mr. Tyzik, the eponymous Head Crusher, is a sad, angry man who doesn’t like anyone. Head Crusher can be found hiding in bushes, using forced perspective to pretend to crush peoples heads, and narrating their lives in mocking tones. It’s one of the silliest Kids in the Hall sketches, but Head Crusher sure reminds us of every internet troll to stake out a comments section.